No.4075140 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I used to draw a lot when I was a kid but then I quit for years and now I've been drawing again for over a year, I've heard of the 10,000 hour rule it takes to become a master at any skill, my question is this: Does all the hours I drew as a kid count even if I quit for years between, (I'm 29 now), does that time add to my skill level or is it lost? Is that rule the same for every one? even people who are considered talented?

Recently I've become pretty efficient at it, I can draw fairly realistic from reference photo, I could even if I put the effort and focus in draw a pretty good image from my mind a this point, reason is I'm very visual person, drawing was always easy for me to pick up, I've decided that I'm going to master it.

Pic is a drawing I made a couple months ago, note that this one was drawn from my imagination. what level would you say I'm on?