Odd Warm-Up Requests

No.3973570 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello. I might be able to do some warm ups for you guys.
(I've had pretty full days lately though, so might not be around too often.)
They’ll probably just bad black and white nothings though, just for fun, but sort of wanted to do something nice for you guys while I’m here.

Please post these seven things, or whichever of them you like-
I'll pull one thing from your list to doodle loosely wherever I can.
(#. Subject / The doodle that’d be drawn from it)
>1. Your name (not full though~) or your most-often used handle / doodled imagined human gestures to make each letter
>2. Your name or your most-often used handle^ / doodled animal gestures to make each letter
>3. The specific public building you feel closest to that you often visit / a doodle of it
>4. The specific model of car/bike/bus/motorcycle etc you use most often for transport, own, or think you might get in the next few years / a doodle of it
>5. The place you love, a specific area that’s far from your home / a doodle of it
>6. Your greatest strength & greatest weakness in artmaking. (examples- backs, architecture, etc.) / a doodle in one of the two categories
>7. Please post/embed your favorite song / a doodle of something it makes me think of