Worried about my artistic friend in college

No.3772659 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I have this friend at the University I go to who’s a New Media Arts major. He wants to get into animation but our school doesn’t offer that.

Anyways the thing is that his art just doesn’t meet the standards that I see everywhere. His stuff looks like a middle schoolers attempt at drawing from a how 2 draw book and I know that sounds harsh but it’s unfortunately true. His drawings are stiff, proportions are way off, and he spends forever on each drawing but the final result doesn’t reflect that.

I avoid telling him this stuff directly and instead implore him to practice as much as humanly possible or maybe broaden his field of study and try drawing anything other than realistic people. It’s been a year now and there’s hasn’t been as much improvement as I know he needs to be making to catch up to his classmates. So what else could I say to maybe help him out without sounding like a total ass.

Btw I’m just a hobby artist who mostly just doodles now and again, I’m not in the same department.