Am I the only one that is tired of people being Jelly of sakimichan and other famous artists?

No.3763386 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am not even a sakimichan fan.

But I am tired of people whining. I will man up and say she is far better than me. And that's ok. I want to be as good and popular as her one day. I've yet to see a public hater of hers that isn't just jealous or her patreon. Or a beg jealous of her skill. Or both. None of her critics dare to post their art either.

Yes she exaggerates her anatomy to pander to her fans and yes she rushes her art to the point she makes obvious mistakes like extra fingers. Pointing 3 "mistakes" of hers art while you draw like a 12 year old ( not making this up that's most of her haters) won't magically make you better than her. She is still better than 90% of /IC She made it. She is great. Deal with it.

Why not instead of bitching about her anonymously you improve to get better than her? Just a thought. Wasting time trying to convince people a great artist is somehow bad won't make her any less succesful.

Let's be real, 90% of people that bitch about her would kill to be in her place. I know I would.

I for one will keep improving to be an awesome artist instead of wasting my time bitching.

(Guy in pic obviously jealous of sakimichan)