No.3601911 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here's my 1.5 year progress (Start of 2017 to 3 months ago). I started drawing in 2015. I have drawn 43 pencil drawings since 2015. This means I draw an average of once every 25 days. That average is slowly rising as I have been drawing once a week this past 3 months. Drawing is something I never try at but always improve at - no matter how long of time I take off. If I mature emotionally my art matures as well.

Anyways, I posted this in an improvement thread to get the response from an anon saying:

>stop what you're doing, draw from life

Why? My ability to analyze what I am seeing and create has increased tremendously. I find myself utilizing techniques from photo-bashing in order to create the effects from life.

My point: Drawing form life is intensely boring and limiting. Depending on your location, this is intensely true. I am not entirely interested in drawing from landscapes or drawing people in front of me.

Whenever my photo-bashing skills increased, my ability to draw from life increased. (I'd typically just get bored of drawing what was in front of me and fuck around)

>pics related
>Did these 6+ months ago, spent 45 minutes in person with them. Not full attempts by any means.

Why are most people in this thread malignant and dogmatic in cringy ways?