Lisa Simpson is a terrible person

No.106658986 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Uploads a video of her brother onto the internet without her brother's consent in an attempt to humiliate him.
>She succeeds at getting him ostracized and brags about it.
>Looks up to a vandalism group because she thinks they're all girls. Somehow the smartest character in the Simpson family believes that they're fighting for a cause when its obvious that they're sexists trying to stir the pot.
>Group is suddenly a problem once Bart says he's a part of a group because he is a boy.
>Only acts like what they're doing is a problem when it affects something she cares about.
>Even after realizing that the group went too far and is sexist, not allowing Bart to stay in because he's a boy, Lisa still decides to join the vandalism group.

Fuck this character.