No.105801856 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be white diamond
>court jester of a sister wants her own colony
>say to yellow and blue that isnt her purpose in the authority, shes the glue that holds the other three together
>they cave in anyways
>whoopsies pink cant handle it and dies on her first attempt
>blue becomes suicidal
>yellow become focused on the only thing thatll make her feel better, revenge and war
>gotta hold tight on homeworld and make new rules to accomodate the loss of the clown
>5000 years of suffering later
>your court jester of a sister lied and is actually alive
>oh and now your other diamonds are blaming the system on you
>flesh boy then proceed to basically call you shit despite literally holding the whole ruling down with only yourself and one other diamond
>under the immense stress and realisation pink was alive, flesh boy calls you names and gets you flustered
>so emotionally broken you just submit from exhaustion
>gotta follow around blubber boy and fix the space aids you infected with the bad batch of gems

Happy ending though, right guys? i guess now gem cutlure has to be dismantled and replaced. a culture spanning 5000+ years