Marvel announces Domino: Hotshots, an all-female book by Gail Simone

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The team consists of Black Widow, White Fox, Atlas Bear, Outlaw and Diamondback (Rachel Leighton). Marvel describes the bunch as a "dangerous crew of international women -- the newest group of hot shots to enter the Marvel Universe."

>"Marvel came up and said they love the team aspect of Domino and want to expand it even further," Simone shared. "They said, you get to keep writing your favorite Marvel ladies, with your favorite Marvel artist, but on top of that, you get to add more amazing characters you love! It took about two seconds for me to say, 'I'm in, I am so in!'"

>"Domino feels she has to grow up a little, and some of the new agents have virtually no sense of humor. And they find an object that is something very close to the heart of the entire Marvel Universe," Simone continued. "The only problem is everybody wants it. We're having a blast. It's Domino, but with a bunch of the coolest characters in comics, kicking international covert butt and taking names. Best of all, it's drawn by the incredible Dave Baldeon. This is the stuff I most love writing, and David is the guy to draw it all and make it brilliant. I couldn't be happier."
