No.102652390 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Stal Lee has never, in his life, written a single good story. He was stuck writing shitty horror comics specifically because no publisher wanted to publish one of his weak-ass novels. He wasn't at all particularly creative (compare what Lee wrote to what Otto Binder wrote) and his success came from convincing Marvel readers that they were smart for reading Marvel.

He was pretty much the creator of "company wars faggotry" though the Soapbox, where he would cheer Marvel readers for being so smart and curse DC readers to make Marvel readers feel even better. An incredibly childish strategy that somehow worked (Marvel readers really wanted to feel intelligent), and was this strategy, more than his flat stories, that earned him all the money he has.

He was the Ladderbro of his time, and I would not be surprised if he was the current Ladderbro.